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What is ESSER?

The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER Fund) provides an economic stimulus. to individuals, businesses, and schools. The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has identified key focus. areas for CARES funding, as well as reporting and data collection aligned with these areas.




In response to COVID-19, the US Congress passed several pieces of legislation that sent billions in relief funding to states. Tennessee received $4.2 billion for K-12 funding to be spent before 2024. This is the district’s plan for spending, in compliance with federal law.

ESSER Health
& Safety

Safe return to In-Person Instruction & Continuity of 

Service Plan


This needs assessment for ESSER 3.0 is built to be a summary of the major elements to consider in strategic planning for effective resource allocation for those funds. The department also encourages updates to ESSER 1.0 and 2.0 spending plans to align with needs as they are updated and develop. Local plans and those submitted through InformTN for the comprehensive district plans will likely be more detailed and thorough, with specific call-outs by individual school need. The state template is intended to provide the public with a data snapshot to inform community engagement related to the needs of the district that ESSER 3.0 dollars may support.

ESSER Community

Please note who you engaged, as applicable, and the strategies used to engage those groups

(ex. public meeting, request for comments, survey, etc.).


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